Mountain Gorilla Trekking in Uganda


Mountain gorilla trekking in Uganda with more than half of the world population of the magnificent mountain gorillas, Uganda is renowned for its gorilla trekking experiences, providing visitors with the opportunity to observe mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is unearthed in the South Western part on Uganda on the edge of the Rift Valley inside the most densely populated areas which are Kanungu, Kabale and Kisoro; it was listed as UNESCO world heritage site due to its ecological importance and it became popular to the world because of Gorilla trekking as mountain gorillas were declared endangered and at risk of extinction.

Mountain gorillas are found in two main locations in Uganda which are the same places where trekking can be done: Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Bwindi is the most popular destination for gorilla trekking, with several sectors including Ruhija, Buhoma, Rushaga, and Nkuringo. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, located in the southwestern corner of Uganda, is another option for gorilla trekking. Mgahinga is a beautiful rare gem and the smallest park in Uganda will certainly give you the thrill and adventure sought out as you trek deep within both forests having a treat of a lifetime and not forgetting the scenic views of the country side.

Gorilla trekking involves hiking through the forest with experienced guides and trackers to locate habituated gorilla families. The terrain can be challenging, with steep slopes, dense vegetation, and muddy trails. The duration of the trek can vary depending on the location of the gorilla group and how fit the group of trekkers are, ranging from a few hours to a full day.

The cost of gorilla trekking permits in Uganda is 800$ for foreign nonresidents, 700$ for foreign resident and 250,000shs for East Africans. However please note that these prices are subject to change, so it’s essential to check with the Uganda Wildlife Authority or authorized tour operators for the most up-to-date permit fees. Gorilla trekking permits contribute to conservation efforts in Uganda, helping to protect the gorillas and their habitat from threats such as poaching, habitat loss, and disease. By participating in gorilla trekking, visitors directly support the conservation of these endangered animals and the communities that depend on them for their livelihoods. Gorilla trekking permits are required for all visitors and must be obtained in advance. Permits are limited to a certain number of people per day to minimize disturbance to the gorillas and their habitat and it’s recommended to book permits well in advance for proper planning especially during peak seasons.

From Kampala or other major cities in Uganda, you’ll need to travel to the nearest town or city to the park where you plan to go gorilla trekking. The closest towns to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park are Kabale and Kisoro, while for Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, the town of Kisoro is the nearest. You can access the parks using a car for about 10hours which must be a 4WD as the roads as you get closer to the parks very good however passable and or a flight for about 2hours to Kisoro airstrip before you continue to the parks with different access points through Uganda, Rwanda and Congo.


Gorilla trekking is strictly regulated to ensure the safety of both visitors and gorillas. Visitors are accompanied by trained guides and park rangers who provide information about the gorillas and ensure that trekking guidelines are followed. It’s important to listen to their instructions and maintain a respectful distance from the gorillas to minimize stress and disturbance. Hiring a local guide and porter is highly recommended, as they can provide valuable assistance during the trek and help support the local communities.

Mountain gorilla trekking in Uganda offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature and witness one of the most iconic and endangered species on the planet. It’s an experience that leaves a lasting impression and highlights the importance of conservation in protecting these magnificent animals for future generations.



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